Use our Tailwind CSS Checkbox
to allow the user to select one or more items from a set.
You can use a Checkbox
• Selecting one or more options from a list
• Presenting a list containing sub-selections
• Turning an item on/off in a desktop environment (If you have a single option, avoid using a Checkbox
and use an on/off switch instead)
See below our simple Checkbox
example that you can use in your React and Tailwind CSS projects. The example also comes in different colors, so you can adapt it easily to your needs.
import { Checkbox } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export default function Example() {
return <Checkbox defaultChecked />;
The Checkbox
component comes with 19 different colors that you can change it using the color
prop, below there are some examples of the colors but you can check all of the them here.
import { Checkbox } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export default function Colors() {
return (
<div className="flex w-max gap-4">
<Checkbox color="blue" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="red" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="green" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="amber" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="teal" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="indigo" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="purple" defaultChecked />
<Checkbox color="pink" defaultChecked />
You can add a label for the Checkbox
component by passing the label
prop to the Checkbox
import { Checkbox } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export default function Example() {
return <Checkbox label="Remember Me" />;
You can add a custom icon for the Checkbox
component when it's checked by passing the icon
prop to the Checkbox
import { Checkbox } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export default function Example() {
return (
className="h-3 w-3"
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
d="M3.172 5.172a4 4 0 015.656 0L10 6.343l1.172-1.171a4 4 0 115.656 5.656L10 17.657l-6.828-6.829a4 4 0 010-5.656z"
You can turn on/off the ripple effect for the Checkbox
component using the ripple
import { Fragment } from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export default function Example() {
return (
<Checkbox id="ripple-on" label="Ripple Effect On" ripple={true} />
<Checkbox id="ripple-off" label="Ripple Effect Off" ripple={false} />